Tuesday, March 29, 2011

The "zombie ant" Theory

       So what's a description of a zombie,basically a mindless drone,urged by the desire to feed.Of course according to folklore a zombie is a walking cadaver, although vampires are also walking cadavers,both working on the same principle: in order to assure their own survival they need to feast on the living.
       But why would a dead body need to survive.Now that's the paradox.Vampires,zombies,mummies, if they're all dead, why do they want to live so bad,even if they are the "living dead" they are still dead.
      Now let's take a look of a real life zombie situation:

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

The Universal Language Theory

     It is said that 90% of our overall communications are non-verbal. This includes gestures, face expressions, chemical language, and other. Another thing I want to point out is that the universal language (and this is strictly related to the part of the Universe that we know stuff about) is not English, it's mathematics or physics if you like. 

Saturday, March 5, 2011

The "Efficiency System" Theory

       Every day of our lives consists of "daily routines". Daily routines consist of different actions that become unconditioned reflexes due to repetitive use. Unfortunately not all routines are good or efficient.
       For example waking up, and the first thing you do, is light up a cigarette.Smoking on an empty stomach causes hunger sensation,the stomach will secrete acid and that could cause tissue damage.So have a snack before lighting up that cigarette.
      That's just an example of a bad routine.There are also inefficient routines that make up our daily lives,whether is work related, or house chores, or just spending free time. If you take a moment to write down the things you do in a week, you'll realize that some things could use a change. Implementing a more efficient daily routine means more personal time,and personal time is the most important;relaxing,enjoying it with friends,family.
      When you manage to free more time for yourself don't just waste it,plan it.The quality of life is also related to how you spend your time,because you can only live once, and if everybody dies that doesn't mean that everybody lives.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

A Theory with a drop of lemon

      Funny fact :"Live viral vaccines such as the smallpox or yellow fever vaccines provide immune protection that lasts several decades, but despite their success, scientists have remained in the dark as to how they induce such long lasting immunity" (MNT quote).
      So basically scientists are discovering now what the stuff that newborns have been inoculated with for decades, does.Awesome,it reminds me of the Pepsi Twist commercials:
  • first there was Pepsi Twist because it was Pepsi with Lemon
  • after it became Pepsi Twist Lemon,hmmm that's like saying climbing up, or sitting down
  • then they thought of a commercial that stated: "Pepsi Twist Lemon ,now with a drop of lemon"
      WHAT? What the hell? "NOW" with a drop of lemon,well what the hell did it contain until now?OMG and they wonder why Coke has 90% of the market.You gotta be kidding me, "now with a drop of lemon" they said.
      Ok back to our vaccine...so "NOW" they are discovering what it does? That is so uncool,it's like humanity has been a guinea pig for decades.I know it's a necessary "evil",sort of say, but doing this based on the fact that "oh ok it provides immunity,it must be good and it has to be safe" when there are so many unknown factors involved it's kind of creepy.Seriously who knows what's going on at molecular level.
      I'm gonna stop,no more conspiracy theories,if life gives me lemons....I'll just make lemonade.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

The Paranoia Theory

     During these past decades with all the global crisis going on hasn't anybody thought of what's going to happen? Overpopulation,lack of natural resources,less food,less drinking water,global warming ,economy going to pieces maybe and so on.
     Some guy, somewhere at some table , while drinking his coffee with no sugar and just a drop of milk, is thinking:
   "Hmmm , what the hell are we going to do about this?"
     And it's enough for one thought to put some wheels into motion in order to create something.
     "Do we have studies about this?" he asked ."We need more studies, we have to know what to do.We can't just sit here and drink coffee while the world goes to hell.How much resources do we have?...That's not enough,check who has some and let's start a war, it's for the good of the country.We need to preserve our way of life."
     Globalization,it has to be done one way or the other, but usually it's done in the way of the strongest party.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

"Size doesn't matter" Theory

        Large populations confined in small habitats tend to get smaller individuals in future generations.Will the same thing happen to humans?I predict that if no natural or man-made disaster occurs in the next 200 years,and of course if natural resources including fresh water don't run out,the globe will be so populated that we will be forced to shrink in order to make room for ourselves.
     Ridiculous? I beg to differ.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

The Repetition Theory

      Scientists say that soon we'll have no more original ideas.I say we are already passed that point.We have over 10,000 years of history and yet only less than 5,000 years are "recorded history".How do we know for sure that something we think of now,or we discover now,wasn't already discovered 7,351 years ago?
        We take old things and give them new meanings and that's about it.The only reason we consider inventing new things is because we easily forget the past.And copyright is a major problem nowadays.Not like we intentionally do it but it happens,and we are unaware of it.
       I'm almost certain that I am copying someone's ideas and posting them into my blog.I know it's like digging my own hole with that phrase but since I can't know for sure if I am the first to think like this (and I am probably not),it's a thought that I'm sticking with.
       When it comes to originality I wish I was born 1000 years ago.When it comes to knowledge I wish I was born 1000 years from now.When it comes to society and civilization I wish I was born 1000 light years away.

Friday, February 11, 2011

The Utopian Theory


       I've been meaning to write this for a while now,about Plato's Republic,about how we can create a truly modern society,about the future that mankind needs to go for.And as I'm thinking about this my mind wonders off (drifting away towards reality,one hell of a daydreamer I am) and I'm looking at my keyboard I realize that my PC is 5 years old,and there's this new MMO coming out this fall and I definitely need to buy a new PC.Just one problem: I lack the money.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

The "ghost rider" Theory

      Finally Apocalypse is happening,clearly the death horseman is cruising trough Cairo boulevards.All religious persons raise your hands wohooo.Unless you don't have a "death horseman" in your Apocalypse section of the book.In that case you'll just have to wait for the next breaking news from CNN.
      Come on people at least try to act a little skeptical about this;don't be skeptical but at least act a bit.We're in the 21st century,the cybernetic age,we have evolved in the past decade more than we did in half a century.
      Well either way I'm glad people pay more interest in a "ghost" than in all the real and alive persons struggling in the land of the pharaohs; we have a distorted perception of our world because of the media influence,we see and hear only the information we are given.I wonder what the revolutionaries of Cairo think about that horseman,probably nothing ,probably they are too busy with a revolution.

The Theory of Imagination

      Well since yesterday my mind was a blur due to a severe headache,I just posted some videos and also reviewed them for my own amusement.What I admire at people like comedians is their unique capability of imagining things. 
      It's the same cognitive process I am trying to apply to this blog,when two existing perceptions (thesis and antithesis) are combined within the mind, a third perception (called synthesis) is formed. At this point, perception only exists as a part of imagination and can become the inspiration for a new invention or technique,or why not a theory.That is the basic definition of imagination.
       It is also a known fact that hallucinogenic drugs, hypnosis,meditation (which can lead to self hypnosis) heighten the imagination.
       As I said in my "Theory of Relativity" post,we take for granted what our receptors(our "sensors") show us.But when the line between imagination and reality is crossed due to drugs or other factors which change the brain chemistry than it's called psychosis.
       Imagination can be so real that it hurts for real,we can hurt others not only ourselves,either by using drugs which distort reality or by imagining the wrong things like war and death and disease.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Today my head hurts

     Since you can't theorize when your head hurts,I'll just embed/link whatever the most recent youtube videos I really enjoyed.Yaaaay!
     Epic rap battles Chuck vs Abe and Hitler vs Darth Vader
Axis of awesome-4 cords
Have a nice day

Monday, February 7, 2011

The "Y" theory

     How come we call ourselves "sapiens" ? How can humans be so cruel to each other? Don't you want to scream when children die of hunger when billions and billions of dollars/euros are invested in war.
      Humanity invests more money in death than in the preservation of life;as I stated in the Yin-Yang Theory   ,there is only one sure thing in life and that is death,maybe that's why death is worth investing in,it's a sure business.
      I feel like screaming right now but "deaf" is spelled the same way as "death".Are you deaf? you may as well be dead.
      Open your eyes world and see what you have become after 10000 years of  "civilization". "Sapiens" and "human" are titles that are earned,we are born as blank pages,written little by little by society.
      Dolphins are more intelligent and human than we'll ever be.Why is that? Have we lost ourselves in the modern society web?Where is our humanity,where are our hopes,our dreams.Who is darkening our future?

The "dream" Theory

        I'm sure that everyone had a dream when he/she was little,like wanting to fly,wanting to be a certain superhero and so on.Let's analyze this for a moment.
         Supposing you grow wings like in the movies; you have wings and you are able to fly.Will that put an end to traffic?No more cars/plains?

Thursday, February 3, 2011

The "what if" Theory

     What if there was an old man.What if that old man had a daughter.What if that daughter would want to stay beside her father despite her being lonely as well.What if her father would want her to get married and leave him alone.What if her daughter would refuse and say that she is in his debt because he raised her sacrificing his own personal life after his wife died.What if when returning one evening from a chess match in the park, her father would hear voices from outside their house.What if a young man would want to marry his daughter.What if she refused.What if the old man would feel ashamed and also sad because of it.What if he would want to suicide to ensure her daughter would live a normal life.What if he would want to throw himself on a railroad track,at a railroad crossing.What if you were driving a car too fast and you couldn't stop in time at the railroad crossing and you kill the old man instead of the train.That's murder you know??!!!
     Remember: traffic rules have a purpose ,don't disobey them !!!! :P

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

The "Big and Mighty" Theory

     Take a couple of small infants, a nutty professor and a bunch of his colleagues, some cartoons and a TV set and what do you get? Well a psychological experiment.Lotte Thomsen,who is assistant professor at the University of Copenhagen's Department of Psychology and his research fellow in Harvard's Department of Psychology, is the lead author of the article "Big and Mighty: Preverbal Infants Mentally Represent Social Dominance."
     According to Thomsen's research, this potentially instinctive knowledge in infants could indicate the fact that we are all born with an understanding of the social hierarchy and how physical size relates to social dominance. Logic right?

The Theory of a Typical Mind

       Have you ever stepped back to look at what you are doing just to realize that you missed something?Well there are people who don't need to do that.
      What is a "typical mind",well there are people who think everything step by step.I'm not one of them although I'd wish,I have a friend though who's thinking like this.Everything is well measured,no detail is missed,everything that needs to be done,well ...basically it's done.
     I don't think like that,I see the finish product,I revise what needs to be done in order to get to the end but for certain I miss a couple of steps on the way.Usually I have to write down every step that I have to take ,and sometimes I even forget to write down all the steps.
     No,not everyone does that.There are people who,well I just guess that they think slower in order to compensate having to do thorough work.And it's not only experience and repetitive actions which are the cause of this,no, there are some people who actually think like that.

Monday, January 31, 2011

The Misinformation Theory

     And finally I manage to write the last and final post regarding the Global Conspiracy Theory.
     Misinformation is a very subtle and powerful tool to keep a large amount of the population in total darkness,by providing with a customized artificial light.Come to think of it I'm just rewriting what Plato said 2000 years ago in the "cave myth", well sort of anyway.(note:for whoever reads this and doesn't know about the "cave myth" ,well either google it or stop reading).

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Poor Education Theory

     Second post regarded to Global Conspiracy Theory.
      I don't even need to write this post; US is currently in an educational crisis because due to lack of proper education the future of the economy is in peril.Why?

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

The Poverty Theory

       First of the 3 theories related to Global Conspiracy Theory posted earlier.
     Just to keep this non-related to world wide theories, I will try to explain  with few words the effects of poverty,poor education,misinformation and why are these issues so important in understanding the danger that is represented by our own kind.
      According to scientists, poor children are less capable than wealthier children.Joke?

Global Conspiracy Theory

      First I thought of making funny theories of the Universe,totally absurd ideas that only my idiotic brain could think of.But looking at the world around me I cannot stand without noticing how easy it is for some people to control it.
      Why would people want that? Why not,in my honest and humble opinion this world is going to Hell if we aren't already there.If Hell exists well this is pretty much it.I am not a religious man, I believe in the laws of physics,chemistry,biology and all other sciences known and unknown to man to this date,but God help us because we cannot help each other or even ourselves.