Monday, January 31, 2011

The Misinformation Theory

     And finally I manage to write the last and final post regarding the Global Conspiracy Theory.
     Misinformation is a very subtle and powerful tool to keep a large amount of the population in total darkness,by providing with a customized artificial light.Come to think of it I'm just rewriting what Plato said 2000 years ago in the "cave myth", well sort of anyway.(note:for whoever reads this and doesn't know about the "cave myth" ,well either google it or stop reading).

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Poor Education Theory

     Second post regarded to Global Conspiracy Theory.
      I don't even need to write this post; US is currently in an educational crisis because due to lack of proper education the future of the economy is in peril.Why?

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

The Poverty Theory

       First of the 3 theories related to Global Conspiracy Theory posted earlier.
     Just to keep this non-related to world wide theories, I will try to explain  with few words the effects of poverty,poor education,misinformation and why are these issues so important in understanding the danger that is represented by our own kind.
      According to scientists, poor children are less capable than wealthier children.Joke?

Global Conspiracy Theory

      First I thought of making funny theories of the Universe,totally absurd ideas that only my idiotic brain could think of.But looking at the world around me I cannot stand without noticing how easy it is for some people to control it.
      Why would people want that? Why not,in my honest and humble opinion this world is going to Hell if we aren't already there.If Hell exists well this is pretty much it.I am not a religious man, I believe in the laws of physics,chemistry,biology and all other sciences known and unknown to man to this date,but God help us because we cannot help each other or even ourselves.