Monday, January 31, 2011

The Misinformation Theory

     And finally I manage to write the last and final post regarding the Global Conspiracy Theory.
     Misinformation is a very subtle and powerful tool to keep a large amount of the population in total darkness,by providing with a customized artificial light.Come to think of it I'm just rewriting what Plato said 2000 years ago in the "cave myth", well sort of anyway.(note:for whoever reads this and doesn't know about the "cave myth" ,well either google it or stop reading).
      Now the basic concept of misinformation is to confuse the brain into accepting an alternate reality,despite the fact that the right reality is already imprinted in it.For example a long time ago, an experiment was held to test if people can be misled into believing something other than what they've seen by giving them phony memories.After trying to remember what they saw,they could swear that the phony memory was true.
     How does this work on a larger scale? Well let's put aside for a moment the "subliminal messages" that might or might not come from different media sources.Misinformation is basically a way to make people believe something that "some people" might want and it's all about phony information.
     As time passes by the only thing that we can rely on to remember the past is our own memory.But since that is a bit leaky we rely also on written data(old newspapers,journals,recorded videos,internet,etc),and that is the secret.Just let time pass by and in the meantime feed people phony information. Give it a little time and in the end everyone would believe for certain what you want them to.Of course you can misinform in real time as well,just make sure you followed the first 2 steps of the program,that is starve and poorly educate the people.
     Learn the secret to control humanity for just 29.95$ and get a free "How I subjugated the world" calendar. LOL I crack myself up.

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