Wednesday, October 20, 2010

The "Matrix" Theory

     We consider ourselves as intellectual beings, with rational thoughts and taking rational decisions throughout our life,or at least we try,or at least we think that way.
      The plot of the "Matrix" saga is quite simple: humanity trapped in a virtual world, a world so real that even for those outside it becomes hard to get "above" the normal laws and require special training to overcome something that is so rooted into their consciousness,distorting their perception of reality.

Monday, October 18, 2010

How about a real theory for once

      Beer's Theory,actually called Beer's Law : "The law states that there is a logarithmic dependence between the transmission (or transmisivity), T, of light through a substance and the product of the absorption coefficient of the substance, α, and the distance the light travels through the material (i.e. the path length), . The absorption coefficient can, in turn, be written as a product of either a molar absorptivity of the absorber, ε, and the concentration c of absorbing species in the material, or an absorption cross section, σ, and the (number) density N of absorbers".(quote from Wikipedia).
      In short Beer's Law is not about drinking alcohol and it's used mostly in spectrophotometry, for example in medical laboratories there are plenty of analyzers that have technical principles based on this law. I remembered it while doing a research and made me smile,the most normal thing I could think of lately, compared to all the  things that pop into my head almost every day (I am referring to the content of this blog).

Sunday, October 17, 2010

The "fountain of youth" Theory

      Many people confuse the "eternal youth" idea with immortality.That is wrong; the "eternal youth" concept refers to being/feeling young until the day you die.The modern conception of the fountain of youth is the discovery of the gene that causes old age.
     For those of you who don't know this yet ,yes old age is a disease itself caused by a gene or more. The discovery of this gene and thus rendering it inactive would probably offer eternal youth.

Saturday, October 16, 2010

The Theory of.....I can't remember

          Have you ever been half asleep(awake) and thought of something really great and by the time you woke up you couldn't remember? Well it happens to me all the time,not that I brag, but I think I forget more than what I learn.All these absurd "theories" I came up with were let's say "created" by my half-asleep consciousness and the really bad part is that I could write more if I think of getting up from bed every time one of these ideas pops into my head.
        Even this was an idea that came to me this morning.The bad part is that I've thought of something really complex but now I've forgotten it.

Monday, October 11, 2010

The Theory of the Mirror

            According to scientists, we are the only living creatures that are self aware; no animal that looks in the mirror would realize that it's just a reflection of it's own being(except some primates like chimpanzees).Some say that mirrors are a gateway to one's soul,and if animals according to the Bible have no soul than that only explains why they don't see themselves in the mirror(except the chimpanzees ,hmm I think Darwin had something there ).
        How often do we look in the mirror and see our real selves? We look at us everyday but when do we see beyond our faces,our body,when do we look at our soul? The scariest moment in my life was the first time that I looked in the mirror and realized that I am.... me.(funny that happened pretty late, I think I was 12-13 or so)Have I seen my soul? I don't know, but for sure it was more than just a reflection of my body.It's like an outer body experience without meditating or going into clinical death,and it provided me with the idea of individuality.I am ME.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

The Theory of Sex

     While "google"-ing certain theories in order to try and not post what others already stated and thus lose my individuality , I thought to type in "theory of sex", just for the heck of it.  For my effort the gods of Google search gave me this phrase on top of the list: "A third theory is that sex evolved as a form of cannibalism".... WOW !!!
     I knew that symbiosis evolved as a form of cannibalism and this is the reason why today we have mitochondrial DNA as separate DNA from the nucleus but sex evolving from cannibalism? 
     No doubt sex ended in cannibalism for a lot of species ,but thinking that we have sex because a billion years ago some cell thought it was kinky not to digest the whole DNA molecule of another cell that is pure win.