Wednesday, October 20, 2010

The "Matrix" Theory

     We consider ourselves as intellectual beings, with rational thoughts and taking rational decisions throughout our life,or at least we try,or at least we think that way.
      The plot of the "Matrix" saga is quite simple: humanity trapped in a virtual world, a world so real that even for those outside it becomes hard to get "above" the normal laws and require special training to overcome something that is so rooted into their consciousness,distorting their perception of reality.As a concept the "Matrix" proves that without opening your eyes to what is around you ,can find yourself being a "puppet" and doing only what the "puppeteer" wants you to do.
      Taking what I wrote above as an example,let's think a moment about our every day lives.What is the factor that influences our every day activity,either physical or psychological?Our inner balance, our biochemistry. How often do we act or react based on emotions? What are emotions if not just the result of chemical reactions inside our body.Depression,anxiety,PMS,anger,happiness,madness and so on are simple interactions between different substances within our organism.
      We cry,we laugh,we fear,we fight,we kill,we regret because our rational mind dictates it? NO,we are mere prisoners of our own "matrix" and humanity is a prisoner of it's own "matrix" of intrigues and plots.When will we be able to open our eyes? 
      And yet we make movies about logical thinking computers that become super villains in a world where humanity dooms itself because of it's own ignorance,we think scenarios of an emotionless society born of our desire of peace and order,and yet that proves to be bad as well.
      What do we really want?We are just afraid of a change maybe,and what makes us afraid....?

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