Tuesday, February 22, 2011

The Paranoia Theory

     During these past decades with all the global crisis going on hasn't anybody thought of what's going to happen? Overpopulation,lack of natural resources,less food,less drinking water,global warming ,economy going to pieces maybe and so on.
     Some guy, somewhere at some table , while drinking his coffee with no sugar and just a drop of milk, is thinking:
   "Hmmm , what the hell are we going to do about this?"
     And it's enough for one thought to put some wheels into motion in order to create something.
     "Do we have studies about this?" he asked ."We need more studies, we have to know what to do.We can't just sit here and drink coffee while the world goes to hell.How much resources do we have?...That's not enough,check who has some and let's start a war, it's for the good of the country.We need to preserve our way of life."
     Globalization,it has to be done one way or the other, but usually it's done in the way of the strongest party.

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