Monday, February 7, 2011

The "Y" theory

     How come we call ourselves "sapiens" ? How can humans be so cruel to each other? Don't you want to scream when children die of hunger when billions and billions of dollars/euros are invested in war.
      Humanity invests more money in death than in the preservation of life;as I stated in the Yin-Yang Theory   ,there is only one sure thing in life and that is death,maybe that's why death is worth investing in,it's a sure business.
      I feel like screaming right now but "deaf" is spelled the same way as "death".Are you deaf? you may as well be dead.
      Open your eyes world and see what you have become after 10000 years of  "civilization". "Sapiens" and "human" are titles that are earned,we are born as blank pages,written little by little by society.
      Dolphins are more intelligent and human than we'll ever be.Why is that? Have we lost ourselves in the modern society web?Where is our humanity,where are our hopes,our dreams.Who is darkening our future?

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